Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Well Hello There...

Welcome to my new and probably "not so improved" photography blog! I'm excited to start fresh with a new name! Well, not a new name. I mean, I've always been Michelle Monk (well, for the last 11 years at least), but a new photography name. I am so lame. (Did I just rhyme?)


Why a new blog? Well...the old one had my old name...Beautiful You Photography..which I no longer am. I also changed my template in hopes that it will give me wider margins for larger pictures for possibly, a more pleasing look and aesthetic for friends, family, potential clients and internetty types just stopping by! I aim to please, people...I aim to please.

I'm am not the most gifted person technologically, as in, I'm pretty much a boob in all things computer related, but I promise to try and not stir up too much trouble with my lack of technological prowess. At some point along this journey...I'm gonna call in the professionals. As in, hire somebody to design this bad boy so it works, you know....like it should! But frankly, me and Blogger? We are sworn mortal enemies.

Thanks for joining me here! I'm really excited for what the future has in store! God seems to be opening some amazing doors and I'm stepping out on faith in a lot of ways I never thought I could. I'm scared, excited, nervous, giddy, scared, hopeful, thankful, scared and whole gammut of other emotions! Did I mention scared? Ha! I'm scared because it's new, but I'm not afraid to try! I'm scared because I'M new (and a little old), but not afraid to learn! But I am also excited to see what the future has in store! Now if I can just move forward without feeling like I'm going to throw up every time I get hired, we will all be a lot better off!

Thanks for joining me on this journey! I'm fairly certain it's gonna be a doozy!

p.s. This shall be the only post I ever do without some sort of picture. Scouts honor.


About This Blog

Well. I guess if you're here then you've realized I'm Michelle. I live in the DFW are of Texas and I'm a photographer. Oh! You want to know a little about me? Well. I love Jesus, my hubby, my children, my friends, photography, The Food Network, food in general, great music, good movies and chilly nights. I also love laughter. Lots and lots of laughter. I'm not particularly fond of pantyhose, green olives (although I love the black ones!) or stuck up professional photographers. I think they're mean. I'm glad you've come to visit my little corner of blogdom. I hope you like what you see!

I consider birth photography my specialty as it's my first love and what started this whole photography journey, but I also love to photograph momma's-to-be, squishy newborns, wiggly little ones, those about to graduate, kissy-faced couples in love and can even be persuaded to do an I Do or two.

If you need a photographer or would simply like to discuss my general disdain for green olives, please feel free to contact me at :
mypcmichelle (AT) yahoo.com

Thanks again.

The pictures you find at Michelle Monk Photography belong soley to Michelle Monk. That's me. Please do not copy them without my exclusive permission. That's called stealing. It's found in commandment # 8 in the Bible. Go ahead. Look it up.

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